My Writings. My Thoughts.

Man, this 'Butt' sure wont make you Hard!

At » 11:36:00 PM // 2 Comments »
Hmmm... those college days... you liked that pretty girl... but how do you impress her? How do you show her how manly you are? Yes, pop comes the cigarette out of your pocket, you imagine yourself as SRK, lean against your bike and then just as she passes in front of you, you let that smoke ring fly out of your lips and give her a flirty smile! Well fortunately or unfortunately, the girl gets impressed by you. Days follow and...

Marathi Manoos: The real Psyche

At » 11:35:00 PM // 3 Comments »
It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I was sitting with my books, studying for my exams due in January. It said, "Budd Chiari syndrome is a condition characterised by thrombotic occlusion of the hepatic veins." Suddenly I got startled with my Mom's scream (yes! it literally was!)... "Kirti, lavkar ithe ye, he bagh kaay jhaalay!" (Kirti come...

Light of a new Beginning

At » 11:21:00 PM // 0 Comments »
Its the 24th October 2009... and the clocks ticking in front of me... both the minute and the hour hand come together and embrace each other with the number 12 watching them from behind... it seemed as if they whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears and planned a wonderful journey again for the next 12 hours to meet at their same...

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